Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong


Shirky also talks about the way we use our free time. He says the average person has 1 trillion free hours a year. He says if we all used that free time, we could be using our minds to help others. We could create inventions that have a global effect.

Jamie Oliver continues by explaining that obese people are not only hurting themselves, but they are also hurting everyone else around them. He says unless we do something fast, it will be almost impossible to stop the obesity. With fast food sweeping the world, he sure has his work cut out for him.
I had not realized how widespread obesity was until I watched this video. I cannot understand how it has gotten this out of control. How hard is it to watch what you eat? Is it really that hard for people to exercise? It is embarrassing that so many people are overweight, especially here in America. Those people do not realize how serious the consequences might be. Those bowls of ice cream every night just might cost them their lives. Being overweight is a very selfish thing. When the people who love you look at you, they will not see a responsible, hard working person. They see a lazy, greedy person who does not care about their health.
Jamie Oliver uses his passion to deeply connect with the audience, and to emphasize that obesity is a matter of life or death. He uses visuals to present hard evidence, which will further his point. He helps the audience personally connect with his topic, making them think of people in their own lives who are obese. He also talks about children, and how we must act now to save the children from growing up to this unhealthiness. His dream is to educate every child about healthy food.
This video has had a profound effect on me, and has convinced me to practice more healthy eating habits. This should create a ripple effect in society, gradually encouraging people to be healthy, but I do not think that will happen. As long as nothing has affected them personally, many people will do nothing. We need a shock to convince those people to jump into action. I do hope Jamie Oliver succeeds, I'll be supporting him the whole way.
